Wholeness Counseling/Coaching Service, by using faith based counseling/coaching tools, Client Centered and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, specializes in helping people reach their ultimate potential. The practice specializes in pre-marriage, marriage, and divorce care.

Specialties include:


  • Free 30-minute Consultation
  • Special Packages Including Value Packages
  • Intake Appointment
  • Couples
  • Divorce Care 
  • Special Service offered to Pastoral Couples, Female Pastors, and Pastors Wives


For your convenience you may schedule a free 30 minute consultation prior to scheduling a session. Dr. Sharon will discuss the services and special packages she offers, at which time clients can decide how they want to proceed.

During the consultation, fees will be discussed for the services and packages offered.

Special Packages for couples and divorce care counseling are 6 sessions, at a discounted rate after which Dr. Sharon will decide with the client whether 6 sessions was sufficient, or if the client requires additional services.

All credit cards are accepted via Stripe in the private virtual teletherapy counseling room or other arrangements can be made for fees prior to the first session.  *Dr. Sharon does not accept insurance*

Please note the cancellation policy. If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified us at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay a $50 cancellation fee.


Book a FREE 30 minute virtual consultation to find out more about the practice and about the The Marriage P.U.S.H. and W.A.I.T. coaching programs.